
Monday, 4 March 2013

9 Keturunan Syaitan - jom kenal musuh kita yg nyata

Dalam kitab Nasoihul Ibad, karangan Imam Ibnu Hajar Al Asqalani menyatakan bahawa Saidina Umar ibnu Khattab r.a berkata " Sesungguhnya anak dan cucu syaitan ada 9 keturunan"
1) Syaitan Zalitun ~ tugasnya menggoda, menghasut serta menipu-daya orang yang berada di pasar-pasar, di pusat beli belah. Zalitun akan cuba menipu daya agar manusia melakukan kejahatan dalam jual beli. Maka berlakulah penipuan, pujuk rayu serta bersumpah dalam menjual barangan. Inilah hasil tugasan Zalitun.

2) Syaitan A'wan ~ syaitan yang suka menipu daya serta memujuk rayu para pemimpin, raja-raja dan seumpamanya.

3) Syaitan Haffat ~ syaitan yang mendorong manusia agar suka meminum arak serta apa-apa yang memabukkan.

4) Syaitan Murrah ~ syaitan yang cuba merosakkan manusia melalui hiburan seperti sukakan muzik yang melampau serta mengkhayalkan.

5) Syaitan Masuth ~ syaitan yang cuba merosakkan manusia melalui kejahatan lidah seperti mencetuskan fitnah, berita bohong, berita palsu dan seumpamanya.

6) Syaitan Laqqus ~ syaitan yang cuba merosakkan manusia dengan cara menggoda agar meninggalkan agama Islam. Laqqus akan menghasut manusia agar mensyirikkan Allah SWT. Laqqus akan menghasut manusia agar menganut agama Majusi, Yahudi dan sebagainya. Laqqus akan berusaha untuk menyimpangkan manusia dari jalan kebenaran.

7) Syaitan Watsin ~ syaitan yang akan mengganggu, merosakkan bayi dan anak-anak (kandungan gugur)

8) Syaitan Dasim ~ syaitan yang sungguh disayangi oleh Iblis. Dasim akan merosakkan manusia dengan cara memecah-belahkan rumahtangga. Dasim akan menggoda serta menghasut si suami agar berlaku jahat pada isteri dan akhirnya melafazkan cerai. Dasimlah yang akan menggoda serta menghasut si isteri agar derhaka kepada suami dan mencari jalan untuk minta diceraikan.

9) Syaitan Walhan ~ syaitan yang akan mengganggu serta merosakkan manusia dengan mengacau manusia yang sedang melakukan ibadah ketika berwuduk, solat dan seumpamanya.

Ada satu lagi syaitan yang bernama Abyah. Dia akan datang kepada ahli ibadah, para wali dan para alim ulama lalu berusaha untuk menyesatkan mereka. Bermakna bila besar serban si ahli ibadah, maka besar lagilah pangkat si syaitan yang akan datang menyesatkannya.

*Petikan dari buku Kembara Hati Di Tanah Suci oleh Ustaz Ghazali Ibrahim*


Taken from Sheikh Uthamin's tafsir of Sura Al Mutaffiffun (chapter 83)

Allah says what can be translated as

1 Woe to Al Mutaffififun (those who give less in measure and weight) 
2 Those who when they have to receive by measure from men demand full measure 
3 And when they have to give by measure or weight to men give less than due 
4 Do they not think that they will be resurrected (for reckoning) 
5 On a great day 
6 The day when (all) mankind will stand before the Lord of the Alamin (all that exits)

Sheikh Uthamin said concerning the explanation of Chapter Al-Mutaffinfin (Woe) The word woe is repeated in the Quran many times and according to what is most correct it is a statement of threat by which Allah threatens those whom oppose His command or indulge in what He has prohibited them from.

And the prohibition is mentioned in the sentence following the threat. Therefore in this case Allah the Exalted says woe be to Al Mutaffififun

So who are these Al Mutaffififun?

These Al Mutaffififun are explained in the next verse He said :

(Those who when they have to receive by measure from men demand full measure)
(And when they have to give by measure or weight to men they give less than what is due)
(Those who when they have to receive by measure from men demand full measure)

Meaning when they buy from the people that which is weighed they demand from the people their rights in full without any deficiency (And when they have to give by measure or weight to men they give less than what is due) But if they are weighing or they are the ones selling the weighed meat or selling something which is measured they give a weight that is deficient (they give less than what is due) Therefore they demand their rights in full and they are deficient in giving others their rights So they combined two affairs they combine greed and stinginess. Greed in demanding his rights in full without any leniency or forgiveness and stinginess because he does not give the full weight that is incumbent upon him. This example that Allah the Exalted mentions concerning the weigh and measure is just an example therefore it also applies to everything which is similar to this. Therefore everyone who demands their rights in full when they are due to receive rights but they don't give full rights when the rights are due from them then they are included in these noble verses.

An example of this is the husband who wants from his wife that she gives him all of his rights in full and he is not lenient in any of his rights. But when it is time to give his wife her rights then he is lackadaisical and he does not give her that which is due her. And there are so many complaints from the women about this type of husband. And with Allah refuge is sought.

To the extent that many of the husbands want from their wives that they give them all of their rights but they don't give their wives all of their rights and possibility the husbands will fall short in giving their wives most of the basic rights such as spending on them and living with them in kindness and other than that.

Verily oppressing another person is more severe than a person oppressing himself concerning the rights of Allah because the person oppressing himself concerning the rights of Allah is beneath the will of Allah if it is a sin other that shirk. If Allah wants to He will forgive the person and if He wants to He will punish the person. But in regards to the rights of the people there has to be compensation given. And for this reason the Prophet peace and blessing are upon him said (to his companions) who do you consider to be the bankrupt person. They said the one from us who does not have any currency or any possessions.

He (the Prophet peace and blessings are upon him) said Verily the bankrupt person from my nation is the one who will come on the Day of Judgment with good deeds the size of a mountain (meaning a lot of good deeds). So he will come with these good deeds but he has oppressed this person and he abused this person and he hit this person and he took the wealth from this person. Therefore this person he oppressed will take from his good deeds and that person will take from his good deeds and this person will take from his good deeds and if his good deeds run out before he repays that which he owes then he will be given the sins of those he wronged and their sins will be flung on top of him and then he will be flung into the fire.

So my advice to those who are lackadaisical or negligent concerning the rights of there spouses is that they fear Allah the Mighty and Majestic because the Prophet peace and blessings are upon him advised with this during the biggest gathering that the Islamic world witnessed during the lifetime of the Messenger of Allah peace and blessings are upon him on the day of Arafat during the farewell pilgrimage.

He said fear Allah concerning the women because verily you took them as a trust from Allah and you have been permitted to have intimate relationships with them by the word of Allah.

Also you will find that some of the parents desire for their children to give them all of their rights in a perfect manner. So they want for their children to honor them and give them their rights and to give them money and to give physical help and everything type of honor possible but he is neglectful concerning his children and he does not give his children their rights. We say that this person is Al Mutaf (those who give less in measure and weight) That father who wants for his children to honor him to the maximum all the while he is neglectful concerning their rights we say to him you are Al Mutaf (those who give less in measure and weight).

We say to him remember the statement of Allah the Exalted (what can be translated as)

1 Woe to Al Mutaffififun (those who give less in measure and weight) 
2 Those who when they have to receive by measure from men demand full measure 
3 And when they have to give by measure or weight to men give less than due

Translated by Rasheed Barbee
The following is a summary translation taken from

Blog Entry 4 Mac 2013/ 22 Rabiul Akhir 1434H

Disatu mlm aku sedang pekena laksa selepas maghrib sementara dok tunggu isya. Sedang dok ralit hirup kuah laksa, tetiba lalu depanku seorang sedang dok pikui ais ketul satu karung masuk kedai laksa tu sambil terhinggut2 kerana berat. Heran! Selalu orang pikui satu karung atas bahu, satu lagi bawa dengan tangan. Tetiba ku lihat rupanya wanita. Patutla! Tgk rupa baya2 isteriku. Dia drebar lori ais ketui sedang dok hantar ais.

Entah kenapa tiba2 hatiku berombak. Entah2 dia ada anak dok tunggu dirumah? Mana suami dia? Seribu persoalan bermain diotak ku. Munkinkah dia ibu tunggal sedang memerah kudrat cari rezki dengan jadi drebar lori ais hantar ais malam2 pastu kena pikul aisketui yang tentunya tak ringan. Macam pikui batu be!

Lalu aku terkenang isteriku. Terasa emosional lak. Syukur isteriku tak payah buat lagutu. Keluaq mlm2 sorg2 p sana sini punggai karung aisketui tak kira masa. 

Ombak keinsafan melanda batinku. Ku hela nafas panjang sambil mengucap syukur kpd Allah. Apa yg aku ada itulah yg terbaik utkku. Aku tekad akan lebih hargai anak isteriku dan sedaya upayaku tak sia2kan amanah dan nikmat yg Allah bagi. Memberi lebih dari menerima. Subhanallah!