Tears for Paradise. Tears of reflection, regret, and repentance. Tears of acceptance and submission to Allah, Lord of Creation and Master of the Day of Judgement. I have awakened from a slumber where I had forsaken my Creator and Master. I need to make amends, repent and run to my Master, Allah SWT before the end comes. Al Fatihah. May Allah be pleased with us all...ameen.
Saturday, 28 April 2018
In the beginning, the organization prospered despite initial hurdles. Challenges were overcome and the organization grew in size, income and net assets. After a troubled period, the organization stabilized in prosperity. It was during this time, despite good intentions, the CEO made some bad calls, several decisions were erroneous and the organization started to falter. The deputy CEO, up to now, a faithful and obedient assistant who supported the CEO strongly in every decision, started to disagree and questioned the CEO's judgements and decisions. Their relationship became more and more strained, to the extent of openly arguing in front of staff, instead of quietly ironing out their disgreements. This caused consternation to the staff, and tension was thick in the premises. The mood of the staff was negatively affected and their perfomance started to suffer. Some of them started to blame the CEO for the trouble and began to lose respect for him. To the extent of wishing him to leave or be replaced.
The deputy CEO has tendered resignation and while waiting for approval, has taken leave of absence. And will maybe take some of the staff along. Question: what is your take of the situation? Do you think the deputy has made the right choice to leave? What is the alternative?
The CEO n the deputy partnered to build the organization. Despite it all, the CEO values the partneship n are grateful for the deputy's contribution n wish the partnership to continue. Whatever mistakes n miscalls he made was regretted very much n he hope to continue the partnership in a better more open way. But the deputy is adamant. What is the correct n what is the right thing to do? A sad ending to a long term relationship....☹ but an unavoidable one? Is there no room for compromise?
Well, nothing is ever permanent. What started as something hopeful and magic, which should benefit the partners, can over the years, turn into something ugly and tragic, without hope of compromise and reconciliation. The splitting and winding up of a business is oftimes, a messy n painful affair. Staff gets retrenched, staff resigned, whatever properties related to the business got fought over, there will be legal suits etc. 😩😩😩 Sad. How do one cope with such losses?
One could imagine the CEO reminiscing the good times, memories of the toil of blood, sweat and tears in the beginning, his deputy's strong backing, who always stood by his side, the camaraderie, the affection...it must be tough for him but accept the situation he must and move on, if he submits to the Will of Allah...😟
Otherwise, life does not seem to worth the pain....😖
Monday, 16 April 2018
1) TAKABBUR (Membesar2kan amalan sendiri)
Contoh: bro skrg aku tgh tawaf yang ke99 kali di depan ka' bah
2) RIAK (Melakukan ibadah kerana ingin manusia lihat)
Contoh: sambil memasukkan duit dlm tabung surau, berkata di dalam hati, mesti si zul tu teruja dengan sedekah aku tiap pagi kat surau ni.
3) UJUB (Puji diri sendiri)
Contoh: Aku ni soleh orangnya, baik dan jujur.
4) GHURUR (Merasa diri hebat dan memperlekehkan orang lain)
Contoh: Ko ingat ko ni bagus ke, aku ni lagilah lulusan PHD dari university XYZ, mana ada orang boleh challenge aku.
5) SUM'AH (Bahagia dengan pujian)
Contoh: Wah bestnya orang panggil aku penceramah hebat, harap2 esok2 dpt masuk TV.
Jum sama2 kita hindari..
Sunday, 15 April 2018
*InsyaAllah – yang Diperintah dan yang Dilarang.*
Kita diperintahkan menyebut InsyaAllah bila kita hendak menceritakan setiap sesuatu yang akan kita buat di masa hadapan. Sebagaimana firmanNya :
“Dan jangan sekali-kali kamu mengatakan tentang sesuatu, ‘Sesungguhnya aku akan mengerjakan ini esok, kecuali (dengan menyebut) Insya Allah…..” (Al-Kahfi 23,24)
Selalulah kita sebut insyaAllah (contoh) hatta kita sedang berada di kaunter tiket sedang nak beli tiket sekalipun, kita sebutkan “Saya nak beli tiket ke Ipoh, InsyaAllah”.
Kita dilarang menyebut insya Allah di dalam doa, sebagaimana disebut dalam Hadis Rasulullah SAW bersabda:
“Janganlah di antara kamu berdoa dengan mengucapkan “Ya Allah, ampunilah aku bila Kamu menghendaki, ya Allah berilah rahmat kepadaku bila Kamu menghendaki” . Hendaknya bertetapanhati (bersungguh-sungguh) dalam meminta kerana demikian itu tidak dibenci” – Shahih Bukhari.
Ramai orang menyebut “Semoga Allah masukkan kita semua ke dalam syurga insyaAllah” atau “Semoga…..sekian, sekian… insyaAllah” , berdoa sebegini adalah dilarang.
Wallahu a’lam.
Credit to: Halim Bede