SWT said: Verily, We have created all things with Qadar (Divine
Preordainments) before their creations, as written in the Book of
Decrees (Al Lauh Al Mahfooz) - Quran 54:49. Allah SWT said: He to Whom
belongs the dominion of the heavens and the earth, and Who has begotten
no son and for Whom there is no partner in the dominion. He has created
everything, and has measured it exactly according to its due
measurements - Quran 25:2.
One of the greatest gifts I received
from Allah SWT in my journey as a muslim (convert) is very specifically
the above verse. It happens to be one of the pillars of faith. Let me
share how this has touched my life and as a dakwah to all. Having strong
faith in Divine Preordainment will bear many fruits for all of us in
terms of an improvement in character, blessings in this world, and
reward in the Hereafter. If we, too, have faith in Divine Preordainment,
we will, Inshallah, enjoy the same fruits and blessings as follows:
fulfillment of one’s duty to worship Allah SWT – by acting according to
the implications of that faith (one of the six pillars of Iman), one is
worshipping Allah SWT which is the purpose for which mankind was
2.Faith in Divine Preordainment helps save on from
Shirk (associating partners with Allah in worship). One who believes in
Divine Preordainment believes that only Allah can harm or benefit, honor
or humiliate, raise or demote. This knowledge helps the believer to
stay far away from Shirk.
3.A person who correctly believes in
Divine Preordainment becomes brave and courageous, since he knows that
he will not die when another person wants him to die, but only when
Allah SWT has decreed for him to die.
3.Patience and a
willingness to endure hardships for future rewards: When one believes in
Divine Preordainment, one knows for certain that the tests of life
ultimately come not from one’s antagonists or from a random series of
coincidences, but instead from Allah SWT. With this knowledge and
belief, the true believer knows that, if he patiently endures the trials
and hardships of life, Allah SWT will reward him with a reward that is
much greater than the patience and sacrifices that are required of him;
on the other hand, when one believes that the tests and trials of life
are random coincidences, one won’t feel that one has a strong reason to
be patient and endure hardships with steadfastness.
4.A restful,
peaceful heart: When one knows that it is upon him to strive and that
it is for Allah SWT to decree results, one will not feel restless or
agitated when things go contrary to his plans. Such a person knows that
Allah SWT is Most Merciful and Most Just; therefore, whatever He decrees
for His slaves is what is best for them. A heart and mind that are at
peace is what every person desires, but only those who have faith in
Divine Preordainment can achieve that sense of peace to its fullest
5.Contentment, self dignity, and freedom from servitude
to created beings: A believer of Divine Preordainment knows that his
sustenance is in the Hand Of Allah SWT, Who provides for him and is
sufficient for him. He also knows that he will not die until he receives
in full amount the sustenance that Allah SWT has decreed for him. So no
matter how hard it is that others try to provide him with or prevent
him from sustenance, they will only be able to do that which Allah SWT
has decreed for them to. A sense of contentment is the resultant of such
knowledge. Rather than hope for help from another human being, the
believer expects and hopes for help from Allah SWT alone. The fruits of
having faith in Divine Preordainment are many.
At some point in
my life, I was guilty of trying to craft my future but I was humbled by
the belief that this iman was pre-ordained by Allah SWT.
Thank you for reading this and Inshaallah the state of our Ummah will be brighter.
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